- Introduction of SAPUI5/FIORI.
- Overview of designing the Proto Types in Sap Fiori.
- Project structure of SAP UI5/Fiori Application.
- Architecture of SAPUI5.
- Overview on MVC model.
- Fiori Design Principles.
- Overview on End to End Data flow.
- Overview of Odata Service.
Introduction to SAP Fiori
- What is Sap Fiori? Compatibility of fiori.
- FIORI Architecture.
- FIORI Launchpad and Application Types.
- Creating Extension project for a standard fiori Application.
- View Modification.
- View Extension.
- Controller Extension.
- Exercise on Simple Fiori Application Customization.
Introduction to SAP WEBIDE& Eclipse.
- Creating Account in Hana trial.
- Features of WEBIDE.
- Eclipse set up and Development tool.
- Creating a sample single view application in Eclipse.
- Creating Simple Application in WEBIDE.
- Consuming ODATA services in WEBIDE.
- Creating a Split APP Application in WEBIDE.
- Installing Personal WEB IDE.
JAVA Scripting, Html& XML
- Introduction Javas Script, and HTML and XML.
- Ex on Html and Xml syntax’s.
- Statements and Comments.
- Finding Errors.
- Variables, Scope of Variables, Data Types.
- Functions, Functions with Parameters.
- Function with Multiple Parameters.
- Statements if, else, nesting if, Complex Conditions, Switch.
- While loop, for loop.
- Strings, String Methods.
- Arrays, Array Methods.
- Objects, properties and methods.
- Referencing elements in JavaScript.
Introduction to FIOR Elements.
- Creating Object Page Application with Fiori Elements.
- Creating Work list Application with Fiori Elements.
Introduction to View & Controllers
- Creating a view.
- Understanding the view’s Controller.
- Understanding the Controller’s Hook methods.
- Exercise on creating a sample view and implementing controller methods.
Working with various properties of basic UI elements
- Working with different properties of basic UI elements.
- Dynamically changing the properties of the UI elements.
- Exercise on dynamically changing the properties of the UI elements.
Different Kinds of Models
- JSON Model.
- OData Model.
- XML Model.
- Resource Model.
- Sample exercise on different models.
- Types of different Bindings.
- Understanding the Binding Concept.
- Binding the UI elements with model.
- Exercise on Binding the UI elements with Model.
Navigation between the Pages
- Over view on navigation.
- Introduction to sap.m.App.
- Adding pages to the App.
- Exercise on Navigation between the pages.
Introduction to Different Layouts
- What is a Layout.
- Various Layouts in SAP UI5.
- Working with Simple form layout , Block layout , Grid Layouts, Object Page Layout
Dynamic Page Layout.
- Exercise on Creating a Form Using various layouts.
Validating the User Input
- Types of Validation.
- Exercise on Mandatory data validation.
- Exercise on valid data and time validation for Input fields.
- Exercise on Showing red color input field and error messages.
Message Handling
- Various types of Messages in SAP UI5.
- Showing Error, SUCCESS, Warning , Information Messages.
- Exercise on Showing various messages in SPA UI5.
Passing data from one view to other
- Different ways of passing data from one view to other.
- Exercise on Passing data from one view to other.
Playing with Different UI Element
- Overview on different Categories of UI elements like (simple, value holders, complex, layouts, dialog etc ..).
- Reading data and setting data to the UI elements.
- Exercise on Working with various UI elements.
Split App Application
- What is Split App.
- Creating a Split APP Application by consuming ODATA service.
- Creating multi-flow pattern application.
Working with Popup Dialogs.
- Creating a popup dialog and F4 Help and Search Helps.
- Exercise on Messages and Dialogs.
Charts and Smart Controls.
- Creating a sample Application by using VIZ and Gant Chats library.
- Exercise on Some other Charts Controls .
- Creating a sample application with smart Controls.
Real Time Scenario’s.
- Design the Proto Types sap fiori.
- Odata Annotation Modular.
- Creating a Dashboard Application in sap ui5.
- Consuming ODATA Services based on requirement.
- VALUE Help Dialog, Suggestions and Search Helps in Different Use cases.
- Sample example of M Table and UI Table and Analytical Table different Use Cases.
- Displaying PDF in UI5 Application.
- Sending the Email and Gmail from Ui5 Application.
- Using SMART Controls in UI5 Application.
- Launchpad Configuration and Theme Designing.
- Different types of Model data to a single control.
- Real time Functional & Technical Documents.
- Adding Custom CSS Styles to Custom and Standard Applications.
- Support Project Tickets.
- Configuring the Standard FIORI Application.
o Introduction of Sap Netweaver Gateway.
o Overview of OData and REST Protocols in SAP Netweaver Gateway
o Structure of OData Service &Activating sap Netweaver Gateway.
o Connecting Sap Gateway to Backend System.
o Model your first OData services.
o Implement and Registering OData services.
o Testing the OData services in REST.
o Developing the Header and Line item data in odata service.
o Association and Navigation concept in Odata services.
o Update and Creatingdata in Back-End using Odata service.
o Build OData services using RFC and BAPI in SAP Netweaver Gateway.
o How to install OData Modeler in sap ui5.
o Function Import in Sap OData services.
o Creating Odata Model using Odata Modeler.
o Odata Query options in Sap Netweaver Gateway.
o $Filter, $order, $top & $skip,$inlinecount ,$Skiptoken and $expand Query
Option in Sap Odata services.
o Deep Insert &ETagin Sap Net weaver Gateway.
o Using Search Help in Sap Netweaver Gateway.
o Important T-codes in Sap Netweaver Gateway.
o How to consume External Odata & Hana XS Odata services in Sap Netweaver Gateway.
o Creating ABAP CDS views in Sap Netweaver Gateway.
o ABAP CDS View using Mapping Editor in SEGW.
30-35 hrs